
Gulf Cooperation Council Approved Supplier


A certification granted to companies by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) that meet certain requirements and standards.
Allows companies to supply goods and services to government entities and projects within GCC countries.

Benefits of GASC Certification:

Access to GCC markets: Enables companies to bid for and win contracts with GCC governments and businesses.
Enhanced credibility: Demonstrates a company’s ability to meet international quality and safety standards.
Competitive advantage: Gives certified companies an edge over non-certified competitors in the GCC market.
Cost savings: Reduced costs of bidding and certification for future contracts.

Requirements for GASC Certification:

The specific requirements vary depending on the industry sector and product type. However, general criteria include:

Legal status: Company must be registered in one of the GCC countries.
Financial stability: Company must have a strong financial track record.
Technical expertise: Company must have the necessary skills, equipment, and experience to deliver the goods or services.
Quality management system: Company must implement a quality management system that meets ISO 9001 or an equivalent standard.
Health and safety compliance: Company must comply with relevant health and safety regulations.

Process for Obtaining GASC Certification:

The process typically involves:

1. Application: Company submits an application to the relevant GCC standardization body.
2. Assessment: Auditors visit the company to verify its compliance with the requirements.
3. Review: A technical committee reviews the auditor’s report.
4. Recommendation: The committee makes a recommendation to the GCC Standardization Organization.
5. Approval: If approved, the company receives the GASC certificate.

Industries and Products Covered by GASC:

Construction materials
Electrical and mechanical equipment
Fire protection systems
Medical devices and pharmaceuticals

Note: GASC certification is not the same as GCC Common Technical Regulation (CTR) certification. While CTR certification is required for certain products imported into the GCC, GASC certification is specific to suppliers.

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